About Us

Growing UK Manufacturing in Power Electronics, Machines and Drives

Backed by UK Government funding, the Driving the Electric Revolution Industrialisation Centre (DER-IC) network reduces the cost and risk of manufacturing Power Electronics, Machines and Drives (PEMD) in the UK by providing open access to expertise and state-of-the-art manufacturing, test and validation equipment. 

DER-IC supports the PEMD supply chain with

  • access to supply chain partners
  • specialist capability
  • design for manufacture
  • manufacturing process development and scale-up
  • open-access capital equipment
  • prototyping
  • testing
  • training

PEMD forms the foundation of critical control and motion technologies across all sectors. From aerospace, to automotive, bulk electrical power transfer, consumer electronics, heating and lighting, marine, off-highway, rail, renewable energy and robotics, PEMD plays a vital enabling role. 

The UK-wide Driving the Electric Revolution Industrialisation Centre (DER-IC) network includes over 30 University and Research and Technology Organisation (RTO) partners. Each network partner brings expertise, specialist knowledge and capability. Leveraging the collective strength of the partner network, DER-IC’s mission is to work with industry to grow UK PEMD manufacturing capability, capacity, and competitiveness.

“PEMD capability across the country is being boosted by DER-IC’s equipment and capability, which is being incorporated into collaborative research and development and commercial projects.


The world needs the solutions being worked on in the UK. It is important both commercially and environmentally that we make swift progress.”

Mike Capaldi, Executive Chair, DER-IC


  • Characterisation of materials and components
  • Prototype manufacture and testing
  • Product and manufacturing process equipment design
  • Manufacturing process development, optimisation and scale-up
  • In-process and end-of-line test and validation,
  • Electrification skills, learning and development
The H2GEAR programme, involving leading academics at Newcastle University’s School of Engineering and led by GKN Aerospace

Want to know more about the electric revolution? Contact us today.